Happy Easter
In our Autumn newsletter, Edition 27, we’d like to share with you our 2020 seed quality and yield report and updates on our new coolstore construction, a review of TSP field days in Ballarat and Tasmania, information regarding safety changes to operations at Cherry Hill due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and more.
Read on for these stories and more.
The team at Cherry Hill Coolstores.
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Season report for April 2020 |
TSP Field days in Ballarat and Tasmania | Staff profile: Darren Matthews |
Safety in the times of COVID-19 |
Read on for these great articles and much more…
As the Autumn weather sets in, our potato seed yield and quality is looking good, but the season is about two weeks behind at the time of this newsletter. Wet weather in north west Tasmania and dry on the east coast has caused these delays.
We have had a busy Summer preparing our new coolstore sheds. The construction is moving along quickly. We are currently working on the guttering and insulation and are on track to have the sheds operational in 2020.
Our existing two tonne bulk unloaders will service the new coolstore. We are very impressed with the efficiency of our two tonne unloaders. We recently unloaded eight trucks in under two hours, each holding 30 tonnes. That is a total of 240 tonnes of potatoes unloaded in less than two hours!
Tasmania Seed Potatoes (TSP) continues to manage the supply chain between growers, buyers and processing factories so we can provide our customers with the best quality and highest yields possible.
Note: this report was compiled in mid-March. Since then, the State has had significant rainfall causing extensive soft rot in some commercial paddocks. No doubt there will be more losses unfolding.
Best wishes and a Happy Easter from all of us at Cherry Hill Coolstores and Tasmanian Seed Potatoes.
Pictured: construction of new coolstore sheds underway.
Pictured: Wayne’s first Forklift.
Darren Matthews has worked at Cherry Hill Coolstores for the past 12 months. His duties include unloading and loading trucks and driving the forklift – and basically anything that Wayne tells him to do!
Darren previously worked at Island Fresh where he got his truck licence and prior to that, he was a chef for 35 years, serving counter meals and catering for large events including weddings. He ran his own business for 17 years.
In his spare time, (no,he doesn’t cook anymore!) he likes to go fishing and takes his three children to their sporting and Scouting commitments. There is plenty of work to do for him at home too, he has three acres to look after.
TSP recently hosted 35 people from the industry, on six field days looking at potatoes around Victoria and Tasmania. The group consisted of a mix of Agronomists and customers.
The weather in Ballarat has been very hot and dry and growers have had a tougher time than those of us in Tasmania. Seed growers all look after and store their own seed in Ballarat and the field days were a positive experience for growers who were able to share ways to improve the efficiency of this process.
The first round of field days provided us with a good outcome and feedback from growers. We’ve seen a quality and size improvement of yields from growers. It was a great team building exercise and we’ve gotten lots of positive feedback and enquiries since. There have been a lot of agronomy-based questions to Andrew Vandenberg. It was pleasing to see positive discussions had by all.
Pictured above: It’s amazing where our Cherry Hill bins turn up! These were found in a shed in Ballarat.
If you have any questions please contact Andrew Vandenberg on 0499 776 488 or Conor O’Doherty on 0417 392 446 |
We must mention the enormous negative impact that the Coronavirus pandemic is having globally and here at home with our local industries. Like all workplaces lucky enough to still be in operation, safety of our staff and customers is a priority.
There have been some important changes to the way we manage traffic on site. No traffic is permitted into our admin office (apart from Andrew, Pam, Conor and Iris). The boys are no longer sharing forklifts nor iPad’s; but keeping one per person instead. We are all diligently washing our hands, using antibacterial sanitisers, and wiping down surfaces that we come into contact with, as well as adhering to the new rules around social distancing.
If you have any questions please contact Andrew Langmaid on 0419 343 144 or Conor O’Doherty on 0417 392 446 |
Our Seed Management Services. Cherry Hill Coolstores will guarantee our services on Seed Growers seed. If you buy someone else’s certified seed, which is presented to Cherry Hill in good condition, and it breaks down, we will replace our cutting and services at no charge.
This guarantee specifically refers to seed piece breakdown (i.e. rot), and refers to seed which is delivered directly to Cherry Hill Coolstores from the seed paddock for chemical application, coolstoring and cutting. In order for this guarantee to be valid, the Buyer must make claims within 24-hours of the seed leaving Cherry Hill Coolstores and before planting.
In order for this guarantee to be valid, the buyer must make claims with 24 hours of the seed leaving Cherry Hill and before planting.
View more about our guarantee here.
TESTIMONIAL … “I value their advice”
“I have been growing potatoes for a long time and for most of that time Cherry Hill have been storing and cutting both our fresh market and processing seed potatoes which is always well looked after. I have a good relationship with Andrew and his staff and value their advice.”
Colin Chaplin | Chaplin Bros, Moriarty
View more of our testimonials here.
Read past editions of our newsletter here.
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P : (03) 6426 1590
F : (03) 6426 2464
E : admin@cherryhill.net.au
Visit our website www.cherryhillcoolstores.net.au