APRIL 2023
Happy Easter! In our April newsletter, Edition 36, we’d like to share with you our season report, plus our office reception is now back in action and find out about the exciting new update for our PotatoPal Advantage app.
Read on for these stories and more…
Renovations | Tas Seed Potatoes update |
Maintenance schedule |
Exciting new app update |
Pictured left to right: Andrew Vandenberg, Wayne Maxwell, Andrew Langmaid, Iris Bacosa, Pam Langmaid, Justin Johnson and Conor O’Doherty.
So far this season we’re looking at good quality seed. The overall size and shape is on the mark, and oversize percentages are low.
We’re tracking well and slightly above the predicted average yield. We have approximately 3,000 tonnes of seed potatoes already in cool storage for the season. The weather has been good for the start of the season – the rain we saw before Easter was needed.
“We’re tracking well and slightly above the predicted average yield than expected.”
Conor O’Doherty
Carrots have started arriving for storage and we’ve already filled two rooms, with another 1,500 tonnes due to arrive just before Easter – all in good condition and we are ready for the start of the washline immediately after Easter. Driscoll’s canes have started to arrive for short-term storage and everything is running smoothly so far.
Staff Update
It feels like we have more new employees starting than we can count on two hands! We will begin to introduce you to all our new staff, starting with Todd Bryan in this edition.
Renovation update
After a couple of month’s of extended hospitality from Andrew and Pam’s kitchen, we’ve started moving back into our new-look office space. From now onwards, truck drivers can start reporting to our reception desk once again.
Pictured: (above) Iris coordinating the new reception and office space; (inset, below) Andrew painting.
We thank the generosity of many for their painting efforts, including Conor, Justin, Jesse, Andrew, John, Darren, Jason, Phil, Michael and more. Keep an eye on our reception area in the coming months, as we roll out additional features for your enjoyment when you visit us next.
Pictured: All hands were on deck as we extend our office space, recycling windows and other materials, and everyone has pitched in to help paint.
“We have new faces at reception … plus we have a new reception!”
Andrew Langmaid
The seed crops were all planted a little later but in pretty good growing conditions. The crops have also taken 10-14 days longer to reach size due to a cool start but good bulking conditions in February and March have seen them finish off well.
We are about 25% through seed harvest for this season. So far, the crops look good with a slight increase in yield from last year. There are no major issues with some low severity powdery scab being the main issue for certification. Small amounts of water/soft rot is present in many lines but is easily managed at coolstore.
Andrew Vandenberg
Pictured: Preparing for the upcoming 2023 season.
Our team is 80% through the cutting shed maintenance, having completed the carrot line maintenance successfully. We’ve been working on the repair of carrot bins and bean bins for Simplot, and our bulk unloaders are fully operational and already in use.
We’re delighted to run sustainable agri-farming practices such as returning dirt to farmers, back to their paddocks. We’ve found that this and many of the practices at Cherry Hill provide a positive working environment – when equipment and procedures are running smoothly, this flows from staff to our clients and contractors alike.
We have a new lathe and a new mill which we are using to assist in maintenance and the fabrication of sheets, please call Justin on 0498 780 553 if you require this service.
“Everyone plays a role in the positive morale at Cherry Hill Coolstores”
Justin Johnson
Pictured: PotatoPal Advantage, exciting new app update
This year our PotatoPal Advantage app will become operational on your Mac or PC. Our development team is currently planning out this new feature, so that you will be able to login and run your reports on your iPhone or Android smartphones, iPad or Android tablet, Mac or PC computer.
We are excited to be providing you with this additional accessibility. We start the development phase next month, aiming for the roll out later in the year.
Born in Burnie, Todd has lived in Devonport for 30-years and started working at Cherry Hill in early March 2023 as a Forklift Operator. He brings two decades of experience in fresh produce and transport management, having worked at Costa Logistics for 20-years.
At Cherry Hill Coolstores, Todd is working on blackberries and raspberries for Driscoll’s, as well as bulk unloading and cool storage of potatoes. In his spare time he loves fishing and camping with his family, which includes two boys (10 and 13 years old) who also share his passion for salt water fishing.
Pictured: Todd Bryan
TESTIMONIAL…Always reliable
“I’ve been working with Cherry Hill Coolstores for 15-years, and have found their processes run smoothly. They have a good facility, do a good job, and are very approachable. I generally deal directly with Wayne Maxwell – I’ve found Wayne and Cherry Hill to always be reliable. If we ever run late, Wayne always stays back or works weekends to accommodate our needs.”
Anthony Johns | Pro Agri
View more of our testimonials here.
Our Seed Management Services. Cherry Hill Coolstores will guarantee our services on Seed Growers seed. If you buy someone else’s certified seed, which is presented to Cherry Hill in good condition, and it breaks down, we will replace our cutting and services at no charge.
This guarantee specifically refers to seed piece breakdown (i.e. rot), and refers to seed which is delivered directly to Cherry Hill Coolstores from the seed paddock for chemical application, coolstoring and cutting. In order for this guarantee to be valid, the Buyer must make claims within 24-hours of the seed leaving Cherry Hill Coolstores and before planting.
In order for this guarantee to be valid, the buyer must make claims with 24 hours of the seed leaving Cherry Hill and before planting.
View more about our guarantee here.
Read past editions of our newsletter here.
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